lunar new year 2024
Embracing the Year of the Dragon
Join us as we celebrate the beauty of the Tet Lunar New Year and embody the spirit of giving. OLLV Foundation, committed to serving our community, invites you to contribute to our fundraising efforts during this auspicious time.
In 2024, we welcome the Year of the Dragon with hope, strength, and renewed opportunities. Your support enables us to empower and uplift those in need, echoing the virtues symbolized by this majestic creature.
At OLLV, our mission extends beyond cultural celebrations. Your donations assist our Catholic fundraising endeavors, supporting charitable programs that promote compassion, solidarity, and faith-based initiatives.
Your generosity fuels our commitment to serve others and uphold the values of the Tet Lunar New Year and our Catholic faith. Together, let's make a lasting impact in the Year of the Dragon.